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心理,人类学,日语,经济,math 1010。。。  

匿名  发表于 2009-9-9 01:18 |阅读模式
Sex & Gender-- 5th edition by Lips --------------------- $35
Yookoso---2nd Edition----------------------------------- $45

The Essential Guide to Writing Research Paper Cdn Ed --- $10

Physiology of Behavior-- 9th ed by Carlson (new)-------- $85

Anth 2550 Culture & the Individual
Distance & Online Education Readings Package (new)--- $30

Notes for Math 1010 ------------------------------------ $3

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics 10th Cdn Ed
by McConnell (both textbooks & study guide)---------- $35

contact: ahbut@hotmail.com
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