As a smoker, you already know that smoking is bad for you. You know that it's bad for your health, bad for your wallet and these days, even bad for your reputation. Most smokers do contemplate quitting on a regular basis, but don't always get around to trying. We all know that quitting smoking may just be one of the harder things to do in life. Smoking had been proven to be as addictive as heroin. But the benefits of quitting far outweigh the fact that it's tough to do.
Benefits of Quitting: Almost immediately after you quit smoking, your body begins to reap the rewards.
Here are a few examples:
> 8 hours after you quit, the carbon monoxide levels in your body will return to normal.
> 24 hours after you quit, your risk of heart attack begins to decrease.
> 1 year after you quit, the risks of coronary heart disease caused by smoking drops by half.
> 5 years after you quit, the risks of cancers caused by smoking is halved.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in Canada.
About half of long-time smokers will die from smoking. 45,000 people die every year in Canada due to smoking.
This is approximately five times the number of deaths that are caused by car accidents, suicides, drug abuse, murder and AIDS combined.
A simple plan to quit smoking
Focus on the positive aspects of quitting rather than on the negative things that may happen to you if you don't.
one: PLAN IT. Set a quit date that's far enough in the future to get your mind around the idea, but one that's not too far in the future that you loose sight of it. About 2 weeks in the future is recommended.
two: PREPARE IT. Gradually cut down on your smoking before you quit. Ask yourself why you smoke. Keep a journal as to why you think smoke and to why you need to quit. Prepare for withdrawal symptoms. Make sure you know that they are a passing thing. These symptoms generally only last for about 6 - 10 days. Start thinking more and eating better. And think about staying away from all the situations that you relate to smoking. The day before you quit make sure to rid your environment of all cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays.
three: DO IT. You have reached your quit ate, so whatever you do, don't smoke. Take it minute by minute and hour by hour. Each hour that goes by that you don't smoke increases your chances for success.
four: MAINTAIN IT. Plan your life as a non-smoker. Start doing the things you've always wanted to do. Reward yourself regularly for quitting, and always remind yourself how well you've done.