Hi! Do you think open a business in Winnipeg, Brandon or Portage La Prarie in Manitiba feasible? Do you get any financing assist from the local gov't? Are you able to manage the monthly fixed expenses plus other variables cost on hiring the professional to maintain your business? Once you are injured, how do you manage your company if there no business coverages or gov't assistance in your districts. Most Chinese immigrants do not understand the risks on doing their business once they are retired with no better benefits as their low financing status on using their low marginal profits. Could anyone voice their rights in the business? As the small / medium businesses suffer the most, they have to pay higher cost on renovations and utilities, rent on insurance premium, employees' benefits, finance charges and etc. You need to make over $1,200 to $3,000/day for hiring 4 workers daily. Else, you are lossing your money daily on the operating costs that you couldn't take later in your life. |