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卖红河BA, International Business, 红河曼大AEPUCE 书

匿名  发表于 2011-1-7 02:24 |阅读模式
红河Business Administration
1. Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior for ADMN 3004 (Custom Edition for Red River College           $50

2. Excellence in Business Communication - John V. Thill, Third Canadian Edition $40

红河 International Business

1. Contemporary Logistics - Paul R. Murphy, Ninth Edition $70

2. Introduction to International Political Economy - David N. Balaam, Fourth Edition  $50

3. International Business the challenges of globalization - Wild Wild Han, Fourth edition $50

4. International Business, International Marketing B12-L183   $20

红河 曼大 AEPUCE

1. Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn Academic Listening and Note-Taking - Roni S. Lebauer Second Edition $20

2. Focus on Vocabulary, Mastering the Academic Word List - Diane Schmitt $15

3. Guide to College Reading - Kathleen T. McWhorter, Seventh Edition $30

4. A Canadian Writer's Reference -  Diana Hacker, Third Edition with Exercise $15

5. Grammar on the Go for Business Communication Courtland L. Bovee $5

曼大 Computer Graduate Writing

1. Writing for Computer Science - Justin Zobel, Second edition  $15

All books are on excellent condition


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