问了学校关于语言的问题 回复中有这样一段:*Please note that only the following undergraduate faculties offer conditional acceptance:
1. University 1 (if the student is coming straight from high school or has taken 23 credit hours or less from college or University)
2. Arts, Science and Extended Education (all for students who have taken 24 credit hours or more from college or University)
3. Engineering ONLY if the student is coming straight from high school
我申请的是science并且交了申请费 但我是高中毕业的 不是大学在读转学分的 这意思是我不能得到CONDITIONAL OFFER了??我雅思6分 语言课程是要现在自己申请的还是学校帮安排??貌似语言学校也要90加元申请费和500加元保证金啊 那如果学校没录语言中心不是也白申请了吗 |