本帖最后由 chrispaul 于 2011-3-22 16:22 编辑
我暑假打算在这修些 课程, 好多同学说ACC1100很难, 我是暑假修好还是开学9月的时候再修? 不过早晚都得修
另外就是我去问advisor的时候, 他给了我个单子 是asper的 core courses.
其中有一栏 是YEAR 1: Core Courses ( 6credit hours) 原文是这样的
YEAR 1: Core Courses ( 6credit hours)
Although the Track1/ Foundation Courses are a total of only 24 credit hours, a full-year(100%) course load is 30 credit hours. Therefore, Students taking a full-year (100%) course load in Year1 should also take the following 6 credit hours of CORE courses:
GMGT 1010 Business and Society (3 hrs)
One of: GMGT 2060 Management and Organizational Theory( 3 hrs). Preerquisite: GMGT 1010(D)
GMGT 2070 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour( 3 hrs). Preerquisite: GMGT 1010(D)
MKT2210 IntroductoryMarketing (3 hrs)
我还没修GMGT 1010, 我暑假能同时修 GMGT 1010和GMGT 2060吗? 因为我想修多门 课在暑假 STAT 1000 GMGT 1010 然后就不清楚了.
ACC 1100? MKT 2210? GMGT 2060? |